Added a dialog to help guide user to correct notification settings
Minor bug fixes for issues reported to us by users
Version 2.5.0
Added a dialog to help guide user to correct notification settings
Fixed an issue where app would crash during setup
Fixed an issue with the app not being able to correctly authenticate
Added a workaround for broken Gmail notifications functionality
Fixed logging (and ability to send the log)
Added Voice reply (requires record audio permission)
Minor bug fixes for issues reported to us by users
Version 2.4.0
Fixed an issue where app would crash during setup
Fixed an issue with the app not being able to correctly authenticate
Added a workaround for broken Gmail notifications functionality (requires enabling our Notification listener)
Fixed logging (and ability to send the log)
Added Voice reply (requires record audio permission)
Minor bug fixes for issues reported to us
Version 2.3.9
Added a workaround for broken Gmail notifications functionality (requires enabling our Notification listener)
Fixed logging (and ability to send the log)
Added Voice reply (requires record audio permission)
Minor bug fixes for issues reported to us
Version 2.3.7
Android 5+ compatibility with our "Car compatibility mode".
Version 2.3.7
Android 5+ compatibility updates.
Fixed an issue where the "Loading ..." account spinner would spin indefinitely on Android 4+.
Version 2.3.6
Minor updates to the ui and translations.
Version 2.3.5
Updated the app name and translations.
Fixed some user reported crashes.
Version 2.3.4
Minor updates to address some user reported issues and some crash reports.
Fixed an issue with Car Compatibility mode where audio would not play through car speakers in some instances.
Version 2.3.3
Minor updates to address some user reported issues and some crash reports.
Updated the app icon.
Version 2.3.2
Minor updates to address some user reported issues and some crash reports.
Updated the share message.
Version 2.3.1
Added a brief delay for bluetooth headset connection before message playback so that messages are not cutoff when they are announced.
Updated "Car Compatibility Mode" for those on Android KitKat that hopefully brings back the functionality for all!
Updated the "Language Choices" to cover all the languages the app supports and show options in users native language.
Version 2.3.0
Updated the preference descriptions in the app.
Added a turn screen on option that can be used with the "Shake to mute" feature.
Added facedown mute as a new option! When enabled, and your phone or tablet is facedown, notifications are muted!
Fixed an issue on Android 4.3+ that prevent users from customizing the text.
Version 2.2.0
Fixed an issue on Android 4.3+ that prevent users from customizing the text.
Attempted to alleviate the issue with persistent notifications on Android 4.3+. Please contact us
if you think we can do more or have ideas on improving this issue!
Fixed an issue on Android 4.4 that made the in app menus unusable.
Version 2.1.2
Fixed an issue where the Gmail service wouldn't start after selecting an account.
Version 2.1.0 & 2.1.1
Updated the usage of wakelocks in the app.
Improved compatibility with Android 4.3 (fixed issues with multiple notifications in the status bar, etc).
Version 2.0.2
Fixed the revert button for the "What to say" preference.
Fixed an issue that had caused delayed notifications.
Version 2.0.1
Added missing permission for Car mode. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Version 2.0.0
Added support for Kindle devices.
Updated the ImapService.
Updated how messages are cached.
Not using the deprecated xlist IMAP command to fetch labels.
Updated the library used for mail.
Fixed an issue with account selection.
Added car compatibility mode.
Version 1.9.2
Fixed an issue where the revert key in the "What to Say" cleared everything.
Added filtering by Gmail labels (under Email screening).
More updates to the user interface.
TTS library updated to handle runtime exceptions.
Optimized source code.
Version 1.9.1
Added a permission that was required for those running Android 2.1 for OAuth2 authentication.
Fixed an issue where the app would repeat messages twice(you may have to reboot after installation).
Improved logging capabilities.
Version 1.9.0
Updated some elements of the UI as users on Android 2.3.4 and lower reported some issues.
Fixed user reported exceptions.
Version 1.8.0
Optimized the source code to improve reliability when more than one message was received.
Updated UI around customizing text.
Updated UI around selecting accounts.
Fixed an issue with the OAuth2 support on older Android devices. The app would start up and crash immediately. Sorry for any inconvenience!
Version 1.7.0
Added oauth2 support (no more password entry!). Make sure to re-configure any accounts that you previously had configured.
Added Gmail 4.2 support.
Fixed the status bar notification on Android 3+.
Version 1.6.1
Addressed user reported problems.
Updated dialogs.
Version 1.6.0
Updated the TTS engine libraries for Android 4+.
Optimized the start on boot setting.
Improved status bar notifications on Android 3+.
Removed legacy Gmail account selection code.
Version 1.5.2
Re-enabled the TTS settings button that links to the system settings.
Minor bug fixes. Keep reporting issues as you find them and we will fix them promptly!
Version 1.5.1
Fixed an issue with one of the options in the locale plugin as it was not setting properly.
Version 1.5.0
Added a locale plugin! Let me know if you want the plugin to support more features.
Version 1.4.0
Make sure that mail service is off before starting up.
4G networks were not properly detected when checking for a data connection.
Updated the SVOX Voice listings.
Added an Action Bar.
Version 1.3.0
Added ability to support "2 step verification" for Gmail.
Gmail sender's name was not properly decoded for some users.
Fix: Stop retrieving deleted messages.
Version 1.2.1
Added an internal IMAP based Gmail client (to fix any broken Gmail functionality caused by updates to the Gmail app).
Added: - Ability to white list and blacklist email senders. - Ability to screen messages from non contacts.
Updated the shorthand mapper to do case sensitive matching.
Cleaned up the layout.
Version 1.06
Dictionary was never applied to the subject of a message when shorthand was enabled.
Some code optimizations.
Version 1.05
Some bug fixes (some messages had null labels and this caused erratic behaviour).
Version 1.04
Fix: Email notifications kept speaking during an incoming call.
Version 1.03
Italian language update (Thanks to xj4devel).
Czech language update.
Russian language update.
Fix: Some users reported that when they load labels in the Gmail app all they saw was "Loading Conversations".
Some memory optimizations.
Version 1.02
Spanish language update (thanks for submitting fixes).
Added a changes menu button to view the application's change log online.
Version 1.01
Gmail word count wasn't being read properly for new incoming messages.